Immingham Skate Park

Huge achievements for the town were celebrated 21st April 2012 as the town opened the newly installed skate park.

Following a request to Immingham Town council 5 years ago where a group of young people were given £5,000 to kick-start a project to gain the town a skate park; One Voice were asked to look at moving this project forward.

In September 2009 a sub group came together to look at the feasibility of the project; research and consultation was completed to determine a need for the facility and identify potential sites. Suitability reports were then carried out along with police reports and community consultation to determine which of the potential sites would be the most suitable one to progress the possible development of the project.

The young people of the town played a committed role in this project and as well as taking active roles they also planned a range of fundraising events within the town so they were able to make a financial contribution themselves. A series of band nights were held which not only raised funds but also showed a positive impact on the community, such as reduced crime rates as people engaged in positive activities.

The preferred site was determined as Homestead park Immingham – design workshops were carried out with a number of skate park developers who tendered for the project and further consultation was carried out to choose the preference for final design which was Maverick Skatepark’s design. Planning permission was granted and substantial amounts of funding was secured from Leader and Wren. One Voice and Conocco also committed funding to ensure this £100,000 project could go ahead.

Building work commenced in January until April 2012.

A competition was held to name the park which is now called IMM-SPIRATION. The young people enjoyed learning new skills at a skate school in preparation for the opening which was sponsored by ABP this was held 21st April pro Riders from Team extreme and Top UK rider Josh Manhead Young showcased their skills with displays to wow the crowd. Live Band performances were enjoyed with a range of entertainment and rides for everyone to enjoy. A graffiti workshop was carried out during the event to include ideas from the young people in the developed graffiti wall.

Historic antique tool gets state-of-art skate park project rolling

 Thursday, January 12, 2012

A 100-YEAR-OLD spade has dug the first sod for the new Immingham skate park.

The construction of the £100,000 project is under way at Homestead Park.

Chairman of the community group One Voice Elaine Norton said: “I originally started this project and it has been a long two years, but we have worked very productively.

“Other projects like this one in different areas have taken six to ten years to complete.

“The success has come from the relationship with the young people of Immingham.

“They have put so much work into it and that is key to projects like this.

“It is expected to be a ten-week installation period, depending on the weather.

“A free event will be set up for the launch which will include skate jams, live bands and entertainment.

“We are also trying get some well-known skaters and BMX riders to get involved.

“The all-inclusive facility will be for all wheeled sports.”

The same spade was also used to dig the first sod at Immingham Docks 100 years ago.

North Lincolnshire Council’s Leader programme and Waste Recycling Environmental both donated £47,500 to the project.

Member of the Leader group Margaret Solomon said: “This is such a good cause and a great project and well worth supporting.

“This will benefit the community by giving them something to do.

“It is also a great year to do it as it is one of the first events to mark the centenary of Immingham.

“Using the 100-year-old spade fits in very well and I was delighted to hold it and be a part of the event.”

As reported, the development of the state-of-the-art skating and biking area has been made possible by the combined efforts of Immingham Town Council, One Voice and local people.

Mayor Councillor Neil Castle said: “This is a momentous day and something we have been working on for the past two years.

“It will be an amazing facility for the town and the surrounding area.

“We hope many people will come and use it from all around.

“We found that the young residents complained that there is nothing to do.

“A scheme like this is long over due and although it is a huge investment it is important to keep Immingham moving forward.”

There is currently a Facebook campaign, started by local people, with more than 500 members petitioning to bring some of the country’s top skaters and BMX riders to the town.

For more, visit and search Immingham skate park.

Source – Grimsby Telegraph