Immingham’s very own community cinema; located in the centre of town with easy parking and a wide variety of films; including matinee’s for the younger members of the town.
A Brief History and background
Back in 2009 One Voice chairman Justin Atkin and Immage 2000 Manager Helen Philpot met and the idea was born for a community cinema giving an intimate cinema experience using the marvellous and much underused Cinema facilities at the back of the Resource Centre. A small subgroup of volunteers from One Voice formed a committee. The project was initially supported with grants from LEADER and Big Lottery, with a top up from One Voice. This funding was used to buy a large screen, a projector, a DVD Blu-Ray player, sound system and associated cables plus installation. When the project was launched One Voice had an agreement with Immage Studios that granted them use of the equipment (detailed above) in return for free of charge use of their studio for monthly screenings. Some sponsorship was provided by local businesses in an effort to maintain the low entrance fee and to cover the cost of the licence for each showing which is just under £100.
Tickets can be bought at the door on a first come first served basis Screenings have been on the third Thursday of the month at7.30pm and during school holidays there have been matinees for the children which have proved the most popular. Admission has stayed the same at £3 per person for the evening screenings, with reduced rates for the matinees. There have been a wide range of films, from Avatar, Dirty Dancing, Mama Mia to Its a Wonderful life and White Christmas tying in with the seasons. The most successful screenings seem to have been acclaimed films or those with a musical theme, as well as classic and older material.
In February 2012 the Cinema moved to the Civic Centre. There is a small core body of volunteers who help to run the cinema and offer refreshments providing a variety of reasonably priced drinks and sweets. Usually there is a raffle to raise extra funds.
Where are we going?
The facilities the Civic Centre are great and of course it is more central so hopefully should attract more people to come along and enjoy the social aspect of the Cinema.
Programmes are planned for 6 months in advance so that posters and flyers can be printed, DVD’s bought and usually raffled after each showing. A meeting is held to discuss the films to be shown and any issues arising from the previous 6 months.
Anybody wishing to be involved in the cinema is welcome as more volunteers the better and possibly a rota could be worked out. The commitment is usually for one evening per month at the Civic Centre and one or two short meetings per year to discuss future films – its not a big commitment and very enjoyable if you love films! It’s much better to see them on the big screen with a fantastic sound system. For more information please contact us or check out our facebook page